Scheduling and maintaining duty schedules can be a time intensive task, but Roompact can help. Create calendars, define what staff are eligible to participate and schedule shifts. Calendars are viewable by all staff for reference and reminders for upcoming shifts are automatically sent weekly. Staff members can trade shifts and you have the option to require supervisor approval.

Screen shot of Roompact's Schedule feature

How Roompact can help!

Example of different schedule calendars

Separate Customizable Calendars

It’s likely that you have to juggle a number of different calendars. Roomapct makes this easier. You can build our on-call duty calendars, desk shift schedules, or anything else that requires scheduling your staff–professional or student staff.

Add In Your Desk Staff

Roompact isn’t just for resident assistants, but can accommodate any staff member, even if they don’t oversee residents. All users will receive weekly reminders of upcoming shifts to start their work.

Example of a Schedule reminder email

ā€œRoompact is an extremely efficient system for scheduling shifts for Resident Assistants and Professional Staff. Honestly, we learned and adapted to the system within a couple of hours of having it. It is fantastic for keeping track of resident interactions, updates on student welfare, and has good search functionality.ā€

Laura Kepler, University of Tennessee at Martin

Laura Kepler

Shift Trades and Supervisor Approval in Scheduling

Automated Shift Trading and Supervisor Approval

It happens. Sometimes something comes up and you need to trade a shift with someone. Roompact allows staff to initiate shift trades with specific individuals or with anyone who is willing to pick up. You also have the option to require a supervisor sign off for any trades that occur.

See Hours and Shifts Worked

You can pull reports to see how many shifts each staff member has worked and how many hours. Want to see who’s traded shifts and with whom? You can pull that data, too.

Screenshot of Insights on Schedule

Find out how Roompact’s experts can help!

Reach out and request a video demonstration or a consult to take a look at our software.