Roompact was designed specifically with residential curriculum in mind. We utilize our expertise in the approach to inform our design and development decisions. We also regularly produce professional development materials to help you with your curricular efforts:

How Roompact can help!

Example of a reflection worksheet in Forms.

Intentional Conversations

Intentional conversation data is often incredibly difficult to make sense of and easily translate into actionable data. Roomapct makes this easy. Data from your conversations can be aggregated to look at trends campus-wide or in specific communities. It can also be viewed on an individual student basis. Find out which residents are engaged and follow up with those that are not.

Gain Deeper Insights

Our Insights reports give you flexibility in how you can view your data. See who has been interacted with AND who hasn’t. Track which staff members have completed their interactions AND which haven’t. This data can be useful for creating curricular dashboards or in 1-on-1 supervision meetings.

Screenshot of Insights on Forms

Strategies and Facilitation Guides

Your facilitation guides are often at the heart of your residential curriculum. Roompact’s software offers a number of different ways you can store your facilitation guides and related assessment data instruments. You can also develop reflection worksheets, roommate agreements, and other strategies to engage with your residents.

“Roompact allows your residence life program to go from “good to great.”  The team at Roompact is dedicated to real-world application of theory to enhance student learning and therefore college persistence and retention.  The software is easy to use and is able to grow with your program’s goals and objectives.  Further, the service you’ll receive from the Roompact Staff is amazing!”

Kat Kane, West Texas A&M University

Kat Kane - WTAMU

Viewing Submissions in Forms

Actionable Assessment Data

With Roompact’s tools, we make your data easy to collect, easy to understand, and viewable in a number of different formats. You can view your data in aggregate or on a community or individual resident level. You also have access to historical data from prior years. Microsurveys allow for the rapid collection of data and forms allow for more detailed data that can be qualitatively coded and analyzed.

The only Software Partner of the Institute on The Curricular Approach

Roompact works closely with and is endorsed by ACPA, the creators of the Institute on the Curricular Approach. Additionally, one of our staff members, Dr. Paul Gordon Brown, has previously been on the faculty of the Institute and frequently visits campuses to conduct multi-day workshops on the approach.


Find out how Roompact’s experts can help!

Reach out and request a video demonstration or a consult to take a look at our software.